COOL-SAVE Workshop on July 10, 2014 in Lleida, Spain

On July 10, 2014, the COOL-SAVE consortium will hold an workshop at the Lleida Commerce and Industry Chamber in Spain.
On July 10, 2014, the COOL-SAVE consortium will hold a workshop at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lleida ,Spain.
Organised by the Technological Institute of Castilla y León (ITCL) and REL-Technology Platform Food for Life-Spain, the workshop theme is the “Strategies for improving the facilities of industrial cold and how to obtain cost savings of 20% “.

During the first part of the event, strategies implemented in industrial cooling installations will be presented, showing savings obtained (over 20% in some cases). This will be followed by a round table presenting success stories in food and beverage companies; and a debate identifying where optimal savings opportunities in cold facilities can be found.  Finally, capitalizing projects Technology Platform Food for Life-Spain will be presented.

More information can be found in the attached program.

To register please send an e-mail with contact details (name, institution, position held, e-mail and telephone) to the following e-mail: n.arribas [at]