Alternatives aux HCFC et HFC dans les pays en développement à climat chaud (en anglais)
'Öko-Recherche estime que dans les pays en développement, environ 90% des HCFC et HFC à GWP élevé peuvent être remplacés par des fluides à GWP faible ou modéré.
The recent “Alternatives to HCFCs/HFCs in developing countries with a focus on high ambient temperatures” study carried out by Öko-Recherche for the European Commission stresses that the refrigerant and blowing agent demand is expected to triple by 2030 in developing countries as a result of economic growth.
A sector by sector analysis shows that a climate-friendly replacement for current and future of HCFCs and high GWP HFCs is possible in most applications:
. 55% of HCFCs can be replaced by natural refrigerants – R290, R600a and ammonia – and foam blowing agents and additional 13% by HFOs – R1234yf and R1234ze – in the short term.
. 22% of HCFCs can be replaced in the short term by HFCs with moderate GWP – mainly R32 – and by HFC-HFO blends in the medium term.
. Alternatives for the remainder are not yet available at the same efficiency level and at feasible cost. Here, low GWP solutions are expected by 2025.
Öko-Recherche concludes that “in developing countries, approx. 90% of HCFCs and high-GWP HFCs can be replaced by substances with low or moderate GWP.
This can be done in the short or at least medium term without reducing energy efficiency even at high ambient temperatures.
It should be emphasized that a successful reduction of GWP relies heavily on a broad application of hydrocarbon refrigerants like R290, when feasible under the given safety standards.
They exhibit performances like R22 at high ambient temperatures and have proven reliable and efficient for many years not only in industrialized countries but also in developing countries”.
A sector by sector analysis shows that a climate-friendly replacement for current and future of HCFCs and high GWP HFCs is possible in most applications:
. 55% of HCFCs can be replaced by natural refrigerants – R290, R600a and ammonia – and foam blowing agents and additional 13% by HFOs – R1234yf and R1234ze – in the short term.
. 22% of HCFCs can be replaced in the short term by HFCs with moderate GWP – mainly R32 – and by HFC-HFO blends in the medium term.
. Alternatives for the remainder are not yet available at the same efficiency level and at feasible cost. Here, low GWP solutions are expected by 2025.
Öko-Recherche concludes that “in developing countries, approx. 90% of HCFCs and high-GWP HFCs can be replaced by substances with low or moderate GWP.
This can be done in the short or at least medium term without reducing energy efficiency even at high ambient temperatures.
It should be emphasized that a successful reduction of GWP relies heavily on a broad application of hydrocarbon refrigerants like R290, when feasible under the given safety standards.
They exhibit performances like R22 at high ambient temperatures and have proven reliable and efficient for many years not only in industrialized countries but also in developing countries”.