Briefs: Karl Stephan
Professor Karl Stephan, former President of Commission B1 and Head of Section B, and member of the Management Committee of the IIR, celebrated his 80th birthday in November 2010. The IIR, along with many national and international organizations, benefited from his outstanding competence and contributions in the fields of thermodynamics and heat and mass transfer. Many of his impressive array of publications are directly related to refrigeration. Karl Stephan received several prestigious awards, among them the J&E Hall Gold Medal of the UK Institute of Refrigeration. The International Journal of Refrigeration published a special issue dedicated to Prof. Stephan, with articles written by his colleagues, friends and former PhD students. During a birthday celebration at the University of Stuttgart the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Hein Auracher, a former member of his scientific staff, presented the special issue to Karl Stephan together with the IIR’s best wishes for many more years in good health.