Briefs: Vth Spanish Congress

The Vth Spanish Congress and IIIrd Ibero-American Congress on Refrigeration Science and Technology - CYTEF 2009 were held on September 23-25, 2009 at the University Jaume I of Castellon, Spain. 120 researchers from 12 countries took part. 85 research papers were presented and covered a wide range of refrigeration issues. These events are organized by the Spanish Society of Refrigeration Science and Technology (SECYTEF). The next event in the series will take place in early 2011 at the Technical University of Madrid. The full papers presented all five Congresses spanning 2002-2009 are available in the form of Advances in Refrigeration Science and Technology, Volumes 1- 5. The papers are mostly in Spanish but some are in Portuguese and a few are in English or French. Contact