Chillventa 2018 - Premier "Speed Networking"

Le groupe de travail de l'IIF CaRe (carrières dans le froid), le Partenariat européen pour l’énergie et l’environnement (EPEE) et l’Université de Karlsruhe ont organisé le premier événement de "speed networking" à Chillventa à Nuremberg le 16 octobre.

CaRe, the IIR working group dedicated to promoting careers in refrigeration, the European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE) and the Karlsruhe university carried out the first speed networking event at Chillventa in Nuremberg on October 16th.




The successful event gave attending students the opportunity to meet senior representatives from leading companies of the industry. Participating organizations included Daikin Chemical, Danfoss, Emerson Climate Technologies, Energy Efficiency, Güntner, Johnson Controls, IIR CaRe, UNEP, UTC Carrier and VDE-Verlag.


With approximately forty attendees, the event started with a welcome speech from Andrea Voigt, EPEE director, followed by an opening speech from Vanessa Chesnot (EPEE), full of useful tips on how to apply for a job. These inspiring speeches set the scene for the speed networking afterwards where students had five minutes to spend with each company before rotating tables.



The feedback from the event was extremely positive with the CEO of Güntner stating that he wished that there was an event like this when he was a student. After all, where else would a student get the opportunity to meet a company CEO and ask him questions in an informal setting?



Carrier directors of sales and human resources said they regularly have students doing internships at the company and they clearly see the benefit as young people bring new ideas.



The closing speech was delivered by Michael Kauffeld and Catarina Marques from the IIR CaRe, the working group dedicated to promote careers in refrigeration.



The aim is to carry out a similar event at the International Congress of Refrigeration, which will be held in Montreal in August 2019 (ICR2019). The ICR2019 event will connect students with lead academics and industry experts and the opportunities for collaborations are significant as everyone feels energized after a speed networking event!