Conference: Oslo
The First International Conference on Small Scale LNG in Europe, an IIR-co-sponsored event held in Oslo on September 29-30, 2005, attracted 121 experts from 18 countries. Twenty PowerPoint presentations were given. Unlike the widely used methods of vaporization of LNG in on-shore terminals and distribution of compressed gas by pipelines, this new technology involves direct distribution of LNG to end-users by small-scale ships and road trailers. Small- and medium-size liquefiers at local wells or intermediate storage of LNG transported from large terminals can be sources of local distribution systems. The presentations introduced working projects and prospects for development of LNG distribution systems along the Norwegian coast by dedicated LNG carriers; systems working between Japanese islands; and feasibility aspects of supply to large European islands. Design, economic and operational aspects of small LNG terminals used to supply towns or factories were presented. Existing and planned sizes go up to millions of litres of storage and thousands m3/hour vaporization. Roy Scott Heiersted, Vice-President of Commission A2 of the IIR, was the driving force behind the setting up of this conference that is to become a series of events held every 2 years and Vaclav Chrz, President of Commission A2, represented the IIR and introduced its mission and activities in the LNG field.