Cryoréservoirs composites: tests réussis pour la NASA

La NASA vient d'achever avec succès une série de tests sur les plus grands réservoirs de carburant cryogénique composites jamais fabriqués.
NASA recently completed a complex series of tests on one of the largest composite cryogenic fuel tanks ever manufactured, bringing the aerospace industry much closer to designing, building and flying lightweight composite tanks on rockets.

Engineers filled the tank with about 110 m3 of liquid hydrogen chilled to -253°C , and repeatedly cycled the pressure between 1.4 to 3.7 bar – the pressure limit set for the tests.

“We are a step closer to demonstrating in flight a technology that could reduce the weight of rocket tanks by 30% and cut costs by at least 25%” stated J. Vickers, Project Manager of the Composite Cryogenic Technology and Demonstration Project.