De nouvelles avancées en cryoconservation pourraient faciliter la conservation du sang (en anglais)

Il est déjà possible de cryoconserver des globules rouges humains en présence de 40% de glycerol, mais cela est rarement utilisé à cause de la longueur du procédé de décongélation et de retrait du glycerol du sang.
According to engineers at Oregon State University, microchannel plates and membranes could be used to precisely control removal of glycerol from the blood in a matter of seconds.

This ultra-rapid glycerol extraction process could greatly improve the logistics of blood banking, which, until now, has relied heavily on constantly balancing the use and supply of blood products lasting only six weeks or less with refrigeration but could last years thanks to this new technology.

Frozen blood is difficult to use as its freezing process requires 40% glycerol which can take over an hour to thaw and remove.
However this process could be reduced to as little as three minutes using a membrane-based microfluidic device.