Europe : le point sur la consommation, l'exportation, la production et la destruction des substances appauvrissant la couche d'ozone (en anglais)

L'Agence européenne pour l'environnement a publié en septembre 2017 un rapport regroupant des données fournies par des entreprises qui utilisent des substances appauvrissant la couche d'ozone.

The European Environment Agency (EAA) published in September 2017 a report entitled Ozone-depleting substances 2016. The report summarises the data reported by European companies in accordance with the Ozone depleting substances (ODS) Regulation for 2016 and looks at the major trends since 2006. The substances concerned are those of controlled by the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer — chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halons, carbon tetrachloride (CTC), 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs), bromochloromethane (BCM) and methyl bromide (MB).

The report shows that the consumption of those substances in the European Union was below zero (- 1461 metric tonnes, a similar level to 2015). Expressed in ozone depleting potential (ODP), consumption amounted to - 4,096 ODP tonnes, a 13% decrease compared with 2015. Consumption is defined as the addition of production and import, minus export and destruction, which explains the negative consumption figure.

The exports from the European Union decreased in 2016, compared with previous years. It amounted to 7,742 metric tonnes, a 17% decrease compared with 2015. HCFCs represent 82% of total exports, for feedstock and refrigeration.

The production of controlled substances amounted to 168,081 metric tonnes, a 1% decrease compared with 2015, HCFCs representing 70% of total production.

The destruction of controlled substances in 2016 was lower than in 2015 and 2014. 7,753 metric tonnes of substances was destroyed, a 26% decrease compared with 2015.

For further information, please download the report.