IIR Working Parties

The IIR has 10 commissions: Cryophysics, cryoegineering (A1); Liquefaction and separation of gases (A2); Thermodynamics and transfer processes(B1); Refrigerating equipment (B2); Cryobiology, cryomedicine (C1); Food science and engineering (C2); Refrigerated storage (D1); Refrigerated transport (D2); Air conditioning (E1) and Heat pumps, energy recovery (E2). Each commission comprises about 50 members, all nominated by member countries. In order to give more flexibility and adaptability to our scientific and technical work, the IIR operates Working Parties (WPs). WPs are open to our members; they are more focused and can be transversal within the 10 commissions. They can be set up or stopped at any time. There are currently 11 WPs: Cold chain for pharmaceutical products; Refrigerant charge reduction in refrigerating systems; Energy labelling in the cold chain; Preservation of genetic resources; Cold chain optimization; Cold chain in warm countries; Magnetic cooling; Mitigation of emissions of greenhouse gases in refrigeration; Phase-change materials for refrigeration and air conditioning; Data and models for refrigeration and freezing foods; Refrigerant system safety. Many of them organize IIR conferences and workshops; some of them need to collect data and recruit members in various fields. Some recent news: - The first meeting of the WP Energy labelling in the cold Chain will take place during the IIR Conference Sustainability and the Cold Chain in Cambridge, UK, March 29-31, 2010. Please attend this important Conference and, if you are concerned by this subject, which is moving fast, please contact the President (G. Cortella: giovanni.cortella@uniud.it) and attend this meeting if you are already an IIR member. If not, it could be a good occasion to become a member. - Preservation of genetic resources. A President (F. Engelmann) was nominated. We are looking for new members. Please contact us if you are active in this field. -Cold chain in warm countries: we need more actions in these countries. Please contact the President of the WP (A. Chikouche: achikouche2003@yahoo.fr) or us if you would like to cooperate. -Mitigation of emissions of greenhouse gases in refrigeration: we are collecting data in cooperation with the Institute of Refrigeration (UK). Many new regulations will be implemented in this area and we need to base them on correct data. Do not hesitate to contact us. -Refrigerant system safety: we are collecting data on accidents related to the use of various refrigerants. If you have data in your company or in your organization, please contact us. All these WPs are active, thanks to the work of their members. You can join them, in order to contribute to better global policy and to enrich your own knowledge. Become a member of the IIR: you will be part of a lively and well-known network.