L'Inde soumet une proposition d'amendement au Protocole de Montréal prévoyant une réduction progressive des HFC (en anglais)

L'Inde s'était toujours opposée à une réduction progressive ("phase-down") des HFC dans le cadre du Protocole de Montréal. L'amendement indien prévoit un "délai de grâce" de 15 ans pour les pays en développement .
On 16 April, just before the 35th Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in Bangkok, an amendment proposal was submitted by India aiming to phase down production and consumption of HFCs under the framework of the Montreal Protocol.

India's amendment calls for a 15-year “grace period” for developing countries “to ensure availability of safe, technically proven, energy efficient, environmentally friendly, economically viable, commercially available, matured non-HFC technologies”.
India had for years opposed a phase-down of HFCs under the Montreal Protocol.

The Director of the IIR participates in the Bangkok meeting. Visit our Web site for more information on these new developments.

Learn more about the Indian amendment : http://ozone.unep.org/en/in_focus.php?year=2015