La Turquie a l'objectif de devenir le leader européen dans la production de systèmes de conditionnement d’air (en anglais)
Plus de 90% des presque 40 producteurs d'unités de conditionnement d'air de Turquie sont des entreprises locales.
Over 90% of the nearly 40 air conditioning unit producers active in Turkey are comprised completely of local companies.
According to 2014 ISKID (Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Manufacturers' Association) statistics, the domestic market size is around 10,000 units, equivalent to 90 million USD; export is around 60 million USD.
The cell aspirators, shelter units and packaged type hygienic air conditioner units have not been included in these figures.
Source: ISKID ACV&R Journal of Turkey, December 2015
According to 2014 ISKID (Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Manufacturers' Association) statistics, the domestic market size is around 10,000 units, equivalent to 90 million USD; export is around 60 million USD.
The cell aspirators, shelter units and packaged type hygienic air conditioner units have not been included in these figures.
Source: ISKID ACV&R Journal of Turkey, December 2015