Le froid est-il la solution au captage du CO2 ?

Même si cela demande à être étayé par des travaux de recherche complémentaires, certains scientifiques estiment que les technologies du froid pourraient réduire la consommation d'énergie et les coûts d'environ 30% dans l'une des centrales thermo-électriques écologiques fonctionnant au charbon actuellement étudiées.
The use of refrigeration technology is now being considered as a means to capture CO2 from large power stations and industrial plants.
Current methods employ chemicals or advanced materials to extract CO2 from flue-gases. However new research carried out by SINTEF, a Trondheim-based independent research company, suggests that refrigeration might provide a cheaper and less energy-intensive alternative.

By capturing CO2 as a chilled liquid, it could be sent via pipelines to subterranean storage. SINTEF research scientist Kristin Jordal maintains that it would be possible to design cold capture processes for easy transformation in the future; from delivering liquid CO2 for shipping, to supplying it as a high pressure gas needed for pipeline transport.

Although more research is required, scientists estimate that refrigeration technology could cut the energy consumption and cost of CO2 capture by as much as 30% in one of the “green” coal-fired power stations currently under consideration. The SINTEF scientists believe that the method will also be suitable for capturing CO2 when hydrogen is separated out of natural gas, as well as in cement, iron and steel manufacturing.