Le marché européen des pompes à chaleur encore en hausse (en anglais)

Selon l’EHPA, les ventes de pompes à chaleur en Europe ont progressé de 13,1 % en 2017 et cette tendance à la hausse s’est poursuivie en 2018. Le stock de pompes à chaleur en Europe a permis de réduire les émissions de CO2 de 29,8 Mt.

According to the European Heat Pump Association1, IIR partner for economic data, heat pump sales increased by 13.1% in 2017 –the third double digit growth in a row. With 1.13 million units sold across Europe, a new sales record has been achieved and the 1 million mark was passed for the first time.

88% of the European market volume was sold in only ten countries. The five biggest European heat pump markets in 2017 were France (245 068; +11.6% year-on-year), Italy (178 850; -1.1%), Spain (106 770; +20.4%), Sweden (104 246; +3%), and Germany (91 600; 15.1%).

Assuming a life expectancy of approx. 20 years, the current European heat pump stock amounts to 10.59 million units. According to EHPA, signs from several markets in Europe indicate that the growth of the heat pump market continued in 2018 since more than 11 million heat pumps were installed by the end of the first half of 2018.

All heat pumps installed produce 181.7 TWh of useful energy, 116.2TWh of which being renewable. Their use saved 148.2 TWh of final and 68.9 TWh of primary energy. Furthermore, they contributed to 29.8 Mt of greenhouse gas emission savings in 2017.

1 European Heat Pump Market and Statistics Report 2018, available following this link.

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New EHPA online stats tool available here.