Les activités de la Commission C1 de l'IIF sur la cryobiologie et la cryomédecine

Les membres de la Commission C1 sont très actifs afin d'atteindre leurs objectifs pour la période 2013-2015 dans le domaine de la recherche en cryobiologie et cryomédecine, la diffusion des connaissances, le transfert de technologie et l'enseignement. (en anglais)
Members of the Cryobiology and Cryomedicine Commission (C1) are working hard to reach their 2013-2015 objectives in cryobiology and cryomedicine research; knowledge dissemination; technology transfer and education.

. Continuing the workshop series on Cryoprocessing of Biopharmaceuticals and Biomaterials and introducing new series on cutting-edge themes.

. Promotion and preparation of programme activities for ICR2015 – 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration from August 31, 2015 to September 6, 2015, in Yokohama, Japan.

. Selection and definition of C1 front line topics and work plan for the First IIR Student competition to take place at the IIR Congress in Yokohama (2015).

. Deliberation and review of establishing innovative E-training actions concerning C1 multidisciplinary needs as well as the interdisciplinary needs of the following commissions: Cryophysics and cryoengineering (A1), Liquefaction and separation of gases (A2) and finally Cryobiology and cryomedicine (C1).

. Examining methods to further the initiation of synergies between Commissions A1, A2 and C1.

Other recent achievements were the first steps in creating communication links between the IIR-C1 and the International Society of Cryobiology to share event programmes.

Additionally, the 1st “IIR Workshop on Cryoprocessing of Biopharmaceuticals and Biomaterials” held from September 4-5, 2013 in Dresden was of great interest to all who attended (47 participants and 26 papers). This extremely successful first-time scientific event, chaired by Christoph Herwig and Ralf Herzog (Vienna University of Technology and ILK Dresden) was organized as a joint scientific activity by the IIR A1 and C1 Commissions as well as being the result of a joint – Dresden and Vienna scientists’ initiative.
The workshop’s main objective was to present investigations carried out to find novel approaches using low temperature physics and cryogenics in the field of biopharmaceuticals, e.g. protein solutions and biomaterials. The focus was the understanding of freezing behavior and the cold-induced biophysical effects, a key issue currently found in research and development. Also covered were attempts to discover how the effects of low temperatures can be used in industry for product improvements.
The first day focused on Protein Freezing including basics, processing and simulations, Biomaterials processing and application, and Cryopreservation. The second day addressed Product freezing technical solutions and cryobanking and Biomaterials processing and applications and cryopreservation.
During the Workshop, participants had the opportunity to visit the prestigious ILK (Institute of Air Handling and Refrigeration) cryo-laboratories.

Marija S. Todorovic, President of the IIR's Commission C1