Les chiffres du marché des pompes à chaleur

Le JARN estime que le marché mondial des pompes à chaleur air-eau en 2012 a augmenté de 5,4% (1,37 million d'unités) sur un an. Cette croissance est due en particulier à une importante augmentation du marché chinois.
JARN estimates that the 2012 world air-to-water market increased 5.4% year on year to 1.37 million units.
This increase is mainly attributed to ongoing robust growth in the Chinese market.

According to European Heat Pump Association (EHPA), the 2012 European market for heating only air-to-water heat pumps came to nearly 214,500 units, an increase of 6.7% over 2011.
The 3 major markets are France (about 89,100 units), Germany (48,100) and the United Kingdom (14,500).

JARN, July 25, 2013