Les tendances du marché européen du génie climatique au 1er trimestre 2015

Eurovent Market Intelligence (EMI) vient de publier les dernières tendances du marché européen du génie climatique.
Eurovent Market Intelligence (EMI) has just released the latest trends for the European HVAC&R market

Quarterly Forecasts for HVAC-R Market in Europe
Product Quarter 2015Q1 Market trend Trend for next quarter Forecast
AHU* +4.6% +2.9% +3.2%
Fan Coils +2% -0.1% +1.4%
Chillers +12.3% +2.1% +6.8%
Rooftops -5.6% -17.5% -1.8%

*AHU: Air handling Units

Source : Eurovent Market Intelligence

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