Production et utilisation illégales du CFC-11 en Chine
Un rapport publié par l'EIA révèle que des entreprises chinoises utilisent encore le CFC-11 dans l'industrie du soufflage de mousse.
The IIR recently published a news about the surprising increase in the atmospheric emissions of CFC-11 since 2012, even though this ozone depleting substance has been banned since 2010. According to researchers, this increase cannot be explained by a possible atmospheric change or past production, and as such, an undeclared production remained the best explanation.
According to a report published in July by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), CFC-11 is still used in China's rigid polyurethane foam insulation sector. The EIA found that the substance is used by 18 companies in 10 provinces. Some of these companies acknowledge the illegal use of CFC-11, but explain that it was used because it was cheaper and made more effective foam.