RFID applications

The use of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) along the food chain is predicted to rise to € 4.3 billion by 2017. Here are some examples of RFID applications: - Metro, the world's fourth-largest retailer, is implementing RFID technology in 180 locations in Germany, including stores and distribution centres. About 70 suppliers including Procter and Gamble are now taking part. Suppliers who decide not to ship pallets tagged with RFID technology will be penalized by Metro: they will be charged with higher process costs. Metro has also tested RFID technology on its Asia-Germany supply routes: 100 Chinese and Vietnamese suppliers are taking part in the "Tag it Easy" project. www.ap-foodtechnology.com, www.foodproductiondaily.com - BRIDGE, Building RFID for the Global Environment, is a European Union-funded 3-year project addressing ways of resolving barriers to the implementation of RFID and EPC global technologies in Europe and covers business, R&D, technical and horizontal aspects. www.bridge-project.eu - DHL, Microlise and AeroScout are now using real-time monitoring of temperature-sensitive shipments of pharmaceutical products. The system is designed to meet temperature compliance regulations applied to the pharmaceutical industry. AeroScout RFID WiFi tags have been installed in trailers used by an Austrian firm, Mueller Transporte, specialized in bioscience products requiring transport at a temperature of 2 to 8°C. The tags are connected to a Microlise tracking unit in the vehicle and the unit transmits temperature and location data to a central server. Users are automatically alerted in the case of temperature changes. Initial testing was conducted on routes between Belgium and Sweden. www.b-eye-network.com