Document IIF

Amélioration du transfert de chaleur et de l'augmentation du gradient de pression lors de la condensation dans un tube à micro-ailettes : une nouvelle approche.

Heat transfer enhancement and pressure gradient increase during condensation in a microfin tube: a new approach.


Experimental heat transfer coefficients during condensation of R134a in a horizontal microfin tube were reported by Cavallini et al. More recently pressure drop data have also been taken by means of a differential pressure transducer during two-phase adiabatic flow of R134a inside the same microfin tube. The measured frictional pressure gradient is reported in the paper and compared to the pressure gradient in the smooth tube at the same operating conditions. Comparisons are presented against models available in the literature to show that models fail to reproduce the experimental trend of pressure gradient increase in a microfin tube as compared to a plain tube. By replacing a plain tube with a microfin tube in a condenser, higher heat transfer coefficients are obtained at the expense of higher frictional pressure gradients. The advantage of using a microfin tube instead of a plain tube can be assessed by considering the penalty factor of a condensation process. The penalty factor accounts for the saturation temperature change in the heat exchanger.

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  • Titre original : Heat transfer enhancement and pressure gradient increase during condensation in a microfin tube: a new approach.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2005-0111
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Serving the Needs of Mankind.
  • Date d'édition : 17/08/2003


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