Document IIF

Améliorer les performances des réfrigérateurs magnétiques rotatifs à température ambiante par optimisation de la forme de l'aimant.

Improving the performance of room temperature rotary magnetic refrigerators via magnet shape optimization.


Type d'article : Article de la RIF


A magnetic structure intended for use in a room-temperature rotary active magnetic regenerator (AMR) is presented, under construction at the University of Genoa. Given the overall size of the regenerator and the thickness of the gap, the magnet design is optimized to produce the highest possible magnetic field difference between two adjacent regions. Magnet shape optimization is obtained by introducing a geometry with four degrees of freedom corresponding to the position of the edges of each magnet, plus the remanence angle. This approach serves two main purposes: the primary is to increase the magnetic induction and, to follow, some effort is made to minimize the volume and weight of the expensive NdFeB magnets, while preserving the cooling performance. So, a balance between these two goals must be achieved. After a rough preliminary sizing, a parametric investigation is performed toward these targets and some shapes are presented. The magnetic flux density in the gap, and other consolidated and novel performance indices, are evaluated and compared to those found in the literature for similar devices. The final design achieves, in the air gap, a maximum induction value of 1.045 T, and an average flux density of 0.83 T in a volume per unit length of 0.00268 m3/m in the high induction region. This is accomplished by using 0.00606 m3/m of magnetic material (N50, NdFeB). The magnet designs presented here exhibit a well-balanced performance (in terms of greater cooling for the same magnet weight) compared to earlier designs for similar AMR devices.

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Pages : 12-28


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  • Titre original : Improving the performance of room temperature rotary magnetic refrigerators via magnet shape optimization.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30032399
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Technologie
  • Source : International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 164
  • Date d'édition : 08/2024
  • DOI :


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