Analyse de la performance des microturbines à gaz et des refroidisseurs à absorption à eau-LiBr combinés.
Performance analysis of combined microgas turbines and gas fired water/LiBr absorption chillers with post-combustion.
Type d'article : Article
This article studies the performance of microgas turbines (MGTs) of different power capacities directly coupled to double-effect water-LiBr absorption chillers. In these systems the MGT exhaust gas is the heating medium to drive the chiller. Also post-combustion natural gas is used to increase the cooling capacity of the system. The paper analyses the effect of the post-combustion degree on the integrated system performance of four MGT power sizes. Two cases are considered. In the first, fresh air is added together with the post-combustion natural gas and in the second it is not added. In the latter case the oxygen necessary for the combustion reaction is extracted from the MGT exhaust gas stream. For the sake of comparison a study is also made of the performance of a more conventional system consisting of an MGT and a hot water heat exchanger to drive an absorption chiller. The main advantages of the new technology over this conventional system are that the COP of the chillers is higher because they are driven by higher temperatures, the production of electricity and chilled water is decoupled and there is a wider range of chilled water production capacity.
- Titre original : Performance analysis of combined microgas turbines and gas fired water/LiBr absorption chillers with post-combustion.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2005-2287
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 25 - n. 1
- Date d'édition : 01/2005
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