Recommandé par l'IIF
Analyse des performances des cycles à éjecteur pour un refroidissement sensible et latent séparé en conditionnement d’air.
Performance analysis of ejector cycles for separate sensible and latent cooling in air conditioning.
Numéro : 2247
While the overall system efficiency of split air conditioning (AC) systems has improved over the last three decades, residential air handling units (AHUs) used in those systems have essentially stayed the same in size, shape, form, and efficiency. Incremental improvements have been made to AHUs to address safety, functionality, and energy-efficiency concerns, however, their overall structure has remained the same. A promising technology that addresses fundamental challenges with conventional cycle efficiencies are ejector-based cycles, more commonly employed in refrigeration applications, but with great potential in AC systems as well. An ejector employed as an expansion device can recover expansion losses, boost pressure, and facilitate a dual evaporator system. This paper presents four categories of ejector enhanced vapor compression cycles (VCCs) leading to seven potential system concepts: standard two-phase ejector, two variants of condenser outlet split (COS), diffuser outlet split (DOS), and three variants of separator outlet split (SOS). The concepts were investigated via numerical model studies and two promising ejector enhanced cycles for a residential AC application emerged: COS and DOS. The COS and DOS ejector enhanced cycles improved seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) by 4%–8% above a 15 SEER baseline AC system and improved the total coefficient of performance (COP) by 9%–11%. With the COS or DOS ejector enhanced cycles, losses quantified by exergy destruction were reduced by up to 18%.
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Format PDF
Pages : 10
Prix public
20 €
Prix membre*
15 €
* meilleur tarif applicable selon le type d'adhésion (voir le détail des avantages des adhésions individuelles et collectives)
- Titre original : Performance analysis of ejector cycles for separate sensible and latent cooling in air conditioning.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30028448
- Langues : Anglais
- Sujet : Technologie
- Source : 2021 Purdue Conferences. 18th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
- Date d'édition : 05/2021
- Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.
Voir d'autres communications du même compte rendu (184)
Voir le compte rendu de la conférence
Thèmes :
Systèmes à éjection, cycle à air, cycle Stirling, autres cycles;
Conditionnement d'air pour le confort;
Efficacité energétique, économie d'énergie - Mots-clés : Système à éjecteur; Immeuble d'habitation; Système split; Conditionnement d'air; Performance saisonniere; Efficacité énergétique; COP; Modélisation; Chaleur latente; Chaleur sensible
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