Analyse énergétique et exergétique d'un système de stockage d'énergie par air comprimé et d'un système de chauffage et de refroidissement avec un cycle à air.

Análisis de energía y exergía de un micro almacén energético de aire comprimido y sistema de refrigeración y calefacción con ciclo de aire.

Auteurs : KIM Y., FAVRAT D.

Type d'article : Article


This article is the Spanish translation of a paper presented at the 12th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, Purdue University, USA (see the Bulletin of the IIR, reference 2010-1940). Energy storage systems are becoming more important for load levelling, especially for widespread use of intermittent renewable energy. Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is one of the promising methods for energy storage, but large scale CAES are dependent on the suitable underground geology. Micro-CAES with man-made air vessel is a more adaptable solution for distributed future power networks. In this paper, energy and exergy analyses of the micro-CAES system are performed and to improve the efficiency of the system, some innovative ideas are introduced. The results shows that micro-CAES system could be a very effective system for distributed power networks as a combination of energy storage, generation with various heat sources, and air-cycle heating and cooling system, with a fairly good energy density and efficiency. Quasi-isothermal compression and expansion concepts result in the best exergy efficiencies.

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Pages : pp. 38-48 (9 p.)


  • Prix public

    20 €

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    15 €

* meilleur tarif applicable selon le type d'adhésion (voir le détail des avantages des adhésions individuelles et collectives)


  • Titre original : Análisis de energía y exergía de un micro almacén energético de aire comprimido y sistema de refrigeración y calefacción con ciclo de aire.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2011-0233
  • Langues : Espagnol
  • Source : Frío Calor Aire acondicionado - vol. 37 - n. 420
  • Date d'édition : 12/2009


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