Recommandé par l'IIF / Document IIF
Analyse théorique et comparaison de différents cycles de pompes à chaleur utilisant l'eau comme fluide actif.
Theoretical analysis and comparison of different heat pump cycles using water as working fluid.
Numéro : 1018
Auteurs : WU D., HU B., LIANG J., WANG R. Z.
Water is one kind of promising working fluids in the application of high temperature heat pumps. It not only is cheap, safe, and stable but also has the advantages of no toxicity and no flammability. To find the best water vapor heat pump system cycle, three kinds of systems with different cycles and auxiliary equipment were designed. Compared with others, the two-stage system with an internal heat exchanger is the best cycle with great performance including the discharge superheat, heating capacity, power consumption, and COP. The single-stage system with the water-injection has better performance than the conventional cycle, especially it can effectively decrease the discharge superheat. For the single-stage system with ejector, it has better COP than the conventional cycle at higher condensation temperatures. So it also is a good choice for high temperature lift conditions when used in water vapor heat pumps.
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Pages : 6p.
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- Titre original : Theoretical analysis and comparison of different heat pump cycles using water as working fluid.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30027886
- Langues : Anglais
- Sujet : Technologie
- Source : 14th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants (GL2020). Proceedings. Kyoto, Japon, December 7-9th 2020.
- Date d'édition : 07/12/2020
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.gl.2020.1018
- Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.
Voir d'autres communications du même compte rendu (120)
Voir le compte rendu de la conférence
Thèmes :
Eau ;
Techniques des pompes à chaleur - Mots-clés : Eau; Pompe à chaleur; Modélisation; Simulation; Performance; COP; Chauffage; Conception; Système biétage; Injection; Éjecteur
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- Formats : PDF
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