Approche modifiée de la méthode d’efficacité-NTU pour la prédiction des performances du transfert simultané de chaleur et de masse lors du fonctionnement d’une pompe à chaleur.

A modified effectiveness-based approach in performance prediction of simultaneous heat and mass transfer in heat pump operating conditions.

Numéro : 0522

Auteurs : DU R., AN J., HUANG L.


This paper provides a systematic review of mathematical models for simultaneous heat and mass transfer process modeling. Models were categorized into lumped models, zone models, and numerical methods with information on their computation costs and accuracies. Observing the reviewed models, it was revealed that iterative calculations and complicated analytical corrections on fin efficiency are necessary under fully wet conditions. To provide the explicit calculation for the dehumidification process for micro-channel heat exchangers, regression techniques, like Multiple Polynomial Regression, are applied to modify the effectiveness-NTU method. The improved regression models show advances in accuracy and usability within the common geometries and conditions for heat pump applications.

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Pages : 15




  • Titre original : A modified effectiveness-based approach in performance prediction of simultaneous heat and mass transfer in heat pump operating conditions.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30033271
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 14th IEA Heat Pump Conference 2023, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Date d'édition : 05/2023


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