Charges thermiques internes : faut-il vraiment compter large ?

Internal heat load allowances: is more actually better?

Auteurs : YOUNES A., CARTER G.


The internal heat load design criteria (lighting, equipment and people) are discussed for both commercial office buildings and large regional retail centres. Standard industry practice is compared to load measurements from Australia and around the world. These real building measurements suggest that office building equipment heat loading, retail tenant light and power, and occupant design densities are all areas where over specification can lead to an over provision in mechanical infrastructure. A sensitivity analysis for different load scenarios and systems types is presented showing that larger systems can result in air conditioning system energy use that is up to 20% higher than if the same system were sized based on more appropriate design criteria.


  • Titre original : Internal heat load allowances: is more actually better?
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2006-1370
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Systems design approach for air conditioning conference. Thinking outside the flanges.
  • Date d'édition : 17/03/2005


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