Document IIF
Comparaison de tensioactifs pour améliorer l’absorption dans les systèmes à ammoniac-eau.
Screening of surface active agents to enhance absorption in ammonia-water systems.
Numéro : pap. n. 1164
Surface active agents have the potential to substantially enhance heat and mass transfer in ammonia-water absorption by reducing the surface tension of the working fluid. The enhancement is caused by improved interactions at the vapor-liquid interface that result from surface tension gradients. A screening analysis is performed based on the value of surface tension and critical concentration. Surface tension measurements are made by a goniometer with and without surface active agents using the pendant drop method. Different concentrations of ammonia and additives that span the range of conditions encountered in the operation of an absorption heat pump are considered. Based on these assessments, surface active agents and their ideal concentrations for the enhancement of ammonia-water absorption are recommended.
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- Titre original : Screening of surface active agents to enhance absorption in ammonia-water systems.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30026077
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Proceedings of the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Montréal , Canada, August 24-30, 2019.
- Date d'édition : 24/08/2019
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.icr.2019.1164
Voir d'autres communications du même compte rendu (632)
Voir le compte rendu de la conférence
- Thèmes : Systèmes à absorption et adsorption
- Mots-clés : Surfactant; Mesure; Tension superficielle; Ammoniac-eau; Absorption; Experimentation; Additif
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