Conception d'un système de conditionnement d'air à débit d'air variable pour une villa.

[In Chinese. / En chinois.]

Auteurs : WANG R., JIANG J., MAO W., et al.

Type d'article : Article


Taking a villa project as an example, the application of single duct VAV air conditioning cooling system to residences is presented. The load calculation method for the air conditioning system is discussed. Problems occurring in the operation commissioning of VAV air conditioning system and the countermeasures are discussed. The effects of the system on indoor air quality are analyzed.

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Pages : 22-24


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  • Titre original : [In Chinese. / En chinois.]
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30008494
  • Langues : Chinois
  • Source : HV & AC - vol. 42 - n. 268
  • Date d'édition : 09/2012


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