Conception et régulation d’un système à injection de frigorigène R32 diphasique pour un compresseur à spirale.

[In Chinese. / En chinois.]

Auteurs : YANG M., WANG B., SHI W., et al.

Type d'article : Article


To overcome the disadvantage of high discharge temperature in R32 compressor, two-phase refrigerant injection was proposed to decrease discharge temperature as well as improve system performance in severe conditions, and an improved injection system with economizer was proposed to realize two-phase injection. Based on the validated dynamic distributed parameter model of R32 scroll compressor, the optimization of heat transfer capability of internal heat exchanger and intermediate pressure according to system performance and discharge temperature were discussed. Through the optimized design and control of the two-phase injection system, the cooling capacity was enhanced by 7.1 % -11.4% and COP was improved by 2.6%-6.2%.

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Pages : 1-9


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