Conception structurelle et analyse pour un mécanisme adaptable du type à lame de ressort axial (?) pour un compresseur à spirale.

Structural design and analysis for leaf spring type axial compliant mechanism of scroll compressor.

Auteurs : TANG Y., HUNG C.


Many factors can influence the efficiency of the scroll compressor, one of them is internal leakage. However, the traditional function to avoid internal refrigerant leakage in scroll pump is designing a compliant mechanism for dynamically sealing the scroll clearance caused by the unbalance inner forces and moments in scroll compressor. This paper discusses a compliant mechanism called leaf spring type axial compliant mechanism, which could improve the volumetric efficiency and increase the cooling capacity. The compliance mechanism used controlling the floating tolerance of fixed scroll and keeping an optimum axial leakage.

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Pages : pp. 149-154


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    20 €

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  • Titre original : Structural design and analysis for leaf spring type axial compliant mechanism of scroll compressor.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2010-0760
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : ACRA-2009. The proceedings of the 4th Asian conference on refrigeration and air conditioning: May 20-22, 2009, Taipei, R.O.C.
  • Date d'édition : 20/05/2009


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