Conductivité thermique des mousses en polyuréthane souples à basse température.

La conductividad térmica de espumas flexibles de poliuretano a baja temperatura.

Auteurs : ZHANG J., JI Y., WANG Y.

Type d'article : Article de périodique


This article is the Spanish translation of an article presented at the 22nd IIR international Congress in Beijing, China (see the Bulletin of the IIR, reference 2007-2540). The thermal transfer mechanism of flexible polyurethane (PU) foams at low temperature has been discussed. According to the structural model diagram of flexible PU foam, the criterion L of convection can be calculated when parameters and influences are considered at low temperature. The thermal conductivity of the flexible PU foam at low temperature can be calculated, too. In order to compare with the calculated thermal conductivity, the thermal conductivity of the flexible PU foam at low temperature has been tested by means of the double-sample of guarded hot-plate apparatus in steady thermal flow which is usually used to test the thermal conductivity of the rigid PU foam. Finally, the curve between temperature and thermal conductivity at low temperature has been obtained. Furthermore, according to the test, the factors (such as temperature, density, water absorption etc.) which may change or influence the thermal conductivity have been discussed.

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Pages : 34-38


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  • Titre original : La conductividad térmica de espumas flexibles de poliuretano a baja temperatura.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2009-0562
  • Langues : Espagnol
  • Source : IIF-IIR/Frío Calor Aire acond. - vol. 36 - n. 406
  • Date d'édition : 09/2008


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