Critères simplifiés de mise au point de nouveaux couples actifs d'absorption.
Simplified criteria for the development of new absorption working pairs.
Auteurs : TUFANO V.
Type d'article : Article
A thermodynamic analysis, also based on a simplified mathematical model, allows one to evaluate the effect of the working pair on both dimensions and performance of adsorption heat pumps and heat transformers. In particular, the solvent activity coefficient, which determines the decrease of the solvent vapor pressure over the solution, and the solvent heat of vaporization mainly affect the dimensions of the apparatus. A smaller effect is observed for the coefficient of performance, which can be attributed to the excess enthalpy of solution. From those results, few easy-to-use criteria are derived, which are deemed useful in order to optimize the development of new absorption working pairs.
- Titre original : Simplified criteria for the development of new absorption working pairs.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 1999-0140
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 18 - n. 3-4
- Date d'édition : 03/1998
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- Thèmes : Systèmes à absorption et adsorption
- Mots-clés : Système frigorifique; Système à absorption; Absorbant; Paramètre; Optimisation; Développement
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