Document IIF
Des capteurs capacitifs mesurent la qualité de la vapeur, la phase du frigorigène et l’épaisseur de la glace pour optimiser la performance d’un évaporateur.
Capacitive sensors measuring the vapor quality, phase of the refrigerant and ice thickness for optimized evaporator performance.
Numéro : pap. 1150
Auteurs : ELSTROEM M.
New measurement methods make it possible to design more energy-efficient Low Charge Systems with Zero Superheat as well as demand driven defrost with increasing safety aspects when using natural refrigerants as Ammonia, Propane and CO2. Increasing energy prices as well as requirements to reduce global warming (GWP) and CO2 emissions have encouraged the need for using natural refrigerants which have initiated numerous of new efforts and developments worldwide. Applications using new measurement principles and design methods in the refrigeration industry may significantly affect the objective of lower global power consumption with a reduction of 20 to 40% while increasing the safety by minimizing and controlling the refrigerant charge with a reduction factor of up to 1000 times for Ammonia DX vs. a traditional pump circulated system.
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Pages : 10
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- Titre original : Capacitive sensors measuring the vapor quality, phase of the refrigerant and ice thickness for optimized evaporator performance.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30023513
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 13th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants (GL2018). Proceedings. Valencia, Spain, June 18-20th 2018.
- Date d'édition : 18/06/2018
- DOI :
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- Formats : PDF
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- Formats : PDF
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