Déshydratation avec un système de refroidissement hydronique rayonnant pour les applications de conditionnement d'air pour des climats tropicaux humides.

Desiccant dehumidification with hydronic radiant cooling system for air-conditioning applications in humid tropical climates.

Auteurs : AMEEN A., MAHMUD K.


This paper discusses the feasibility of a hybrid desiccant dehumidification system combined with chilled ceiling for air conditioning applications in humid tropical climates. The study presents a design/operation guide of the hybrid system. It also indicates definite merit of the hybrid system when the ventilation air requirement of the conventional system is above a certain threshold. This is particularly so in many practical applications, where a high ventilation air requirement is desirable or mandated, such as operating theatres and certain hospital wards.


  • Titre original : Desiccant dehumidification with hydronic radiant cooling system for air-conditioning applications in humid tropical climates.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2006-3110
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : ASHRAE Transactions. 2005 Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA. Volume 111, part 2 + CD-ROM.
  • Date d'édition : 2005


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