Détermination des propriétés tribologiques des mélanges lubrifiant-frigorigène.

Mezclas de lubricante y refrigerantes determinación de las propiedades tribológicas.

Auteurs : JUNK M.

Type d'article : Article


Mixtures of lubricants with refrigerants often show a behaviour which differs significantly from those of the pure lubricants. This concerns not only physical and thermodynamic but also tribological properties. This means in detail, that the tribological system is influenced by the miscibility of lubricant with refrigerant, the compatibility of refrigerants with both the base oil and additives, and the compatibility of the working fluids with materials used in the refrigeration cycle. In consequence, these complex dynamic interactions affecting lubrication cannot sufficiently be simulated but have to be investigated using special test equipment. Tribological investigations of lubricant-refrigerant mixtures play an important role for the specific selection of appropriate lubricants and for the development of new distinctive lubricant systems. Studying new and used oils, the effect of additives and additions to the lubricant or the refrigerant may provide further information concerning friction and wear behaviour. In the ILK Dresden the tribological properties of lubricant-refrigerant mixtures are investigated using a modified Almen-Wieland wear testing machine with a hermetic test cell.

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Pages : 12-16


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    20 €

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  • Titre original : Mezclas de lubricante y refrigerantes determinación de las propiedades tribológicas.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30003143
  • Langues : Espagnol
  • Source : Frío Calor Aire acondicionado - vol. 39 - n. 441
  • Date d'édition : 11/2011


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