Document IIF
Développement de nouveaux cryostats non métalliques pour l'hélium et l'azote liquides.
Development of new non-metallic cryostats for liquid helium and nitrogen.
Numéro : pap. n. 50
Auteurs : KADE A., KARL C., KLUPSCH M., et al.
The ILK Dresden designs, develops and manufactures customized non-metallic cryostats for various applications. These cryostats are characterized by a long holding time of vacuum and hence they exhibit a very long storage time of the cryogenic fluid. In order to use the cryostats in any arrangements and structures they can be designed and built as completely position-independent. For special SQUID (Superconducting QUantum Interference Device) applications the position of the SQUID can be adjusted in all three directions within the cryostat also in the cold state. Various material-testing and thermodynamic measurements are presented as well as special solutions for applications and details of construction. Examples for special realizations are discussed like: new development of a position-independent, low noise, non-metallic LHe (Liquid helium) cryostat; new solutions for cryostats for high-temperature superconductor applications, e.g. current fault limiter, torque motors and generators; new wide-necked cryostat for long time measurements up to one month with LN2. Cryostats for LN2 can also be designed and manufactured for pressure applications of class II according to the European Pressure Vessel Regulation (97/23/EU). Pressure tests are carried out within the procedure of evaluation of compliance with an A1 certification.
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Pages : 6 p.
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- Titre original : Development of new non-metallic cryostats for liquid helium and nitrogen.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30011227
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Cryogenics 2014. Proceedings of the 13th IIR International Conference: Prague, Czech Republic, April 7-11, 2014.
- Date d'édition : 07/04/2014
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