Développement expérimental d'un dispositif de régulation de la ventilation naturelle.

Experimental development of a natural controlled ventilation device.

Auteurs : CAVANNA G., DANIOTTI B., OLIVERI E., et al.


The Building Components Technology Department of ICITE, the Central Institute for Industrialization and Technology in Building of the Italian National Research Council has started an experimental research on natural controlled ventilation devices. In the report the authors present the first experimental results about setting a calibrated opening to guarantee the needed air flow rate, independently of the pressure difference between indoor and outdoor environment. These results will be used as design characteristics to define the final solution for the prototype device.


  • Titre original : Experimental development of a natural controlled ventilation device.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2006-1941
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Date d'édition : 09/08/1999
  • Source : Source : Proc. AIVC Conf., Edinburgh
    CP 20; n. 12; 6 p.; fig.; 2 ref./AIVC CD n. 6.