Diffusion lumineuse grâce à une pulvérisation d'hélium liquide-gaz.

Light scattering by a liquid-gas helium spray.

Auteurs : LADAM Y., WOLF P. E., THIBAULT P., et al.


Light scattering by liquid helium droplets or helium gas bubbles is strongly forward. This has two direct experimental consequences: rare scatterers are very bright in a narrow (smaller than 5°) angular region in the forward direction; and even in the presence of multiple scattering the intensity collected at large angles is linear in the concentration of scatterers. These properties are explained, and the second one illustrated with a liquid-gas helium spray.


  • Titre original : Light scattering by a liquid-gas helium spray.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2007-0016
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Sixth conference on cryogenics and superconductivity. Proceedings (comprising papers and posters)./ Sixièmes Journées de cryogénie et de supraconductivité. Recueil des présentations orales et posters.
  • Date d'édition : 16/05/2000


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