Écoulement de fluide à travers les jeux d’extrémité des pompes à vis à sec utilisant des nombres sans dimension.

Fluid flow through front clearances of dry running screw machines using dimensionless numbers.

Numéro : pap. 1344

Auteurs : UTRI M., BRÜMMER A.


Chamber model simulation is a common approach for the simulation of positive displacement machines. For this kind of simulation, clearance mass flow is usually predicted using an isentropic estimation, which is corrected with a flow coefficient in order to account for the real flow conditions and the corresponding mass flow. Detailed knowledge of the flow coefficient and its dependencies is crucial for a meaningful simulation of positive displacement machines. This paper investigates the two-dimensional fluid flow through the front clearance (also called end clearance) of twin screw compressors where leakage paths have one stationary and one moving boundary. Dimensionless numbers are determined using the Pi-theorem and are varied systematically in order to show their individual influence on front clearance mass flow rate. The results are therefore useful for any dry running application with similar clearance geometry, independent of the type of gas (e.g. heat capacity, viscosity) and operating conditions (e.g. pressure, temperature, rotational speed). Mass flow is determined using CFD simulation and compared to analytical solutions and experimental data.

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Pages : 10


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  • Titre original : Fluid flow through front clearances of dry running screw machines using dimensionless numbers.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30024301
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 2018 Purdue Conferences. 24th International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue.
  • Date d'édition : 09/07/2018


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