Document IIF
Ecoulement diphasique dans les tubes a microailettes à chevrons : dynamique des fluides et transfert de chaleur.
Flow dynamics and heat transfer of two-phase flow in herringbone microfin tubes.
Evaporation and condensation heat transfer coefficients and cross sectional flow rate distribution of vapour liquid two-phase flow have been measured with six kinds of herringbone microfin tube, which had a 7 mm outer diameter and different fin heights and lead angles. The flow rate of droplets and flow distribution of liquid film were estimated with the measured data and assumptions for droplet distribution and slip ratio of vapour and droplets. The heat transfer enhancement mechanism induced by the herringbone microfins is discussed by using the measured data and numerically obtained cross sectional flow field of a single phase flow. The flow rate of thin liquid film flowing on tube sides was affected by the fin height and lead angle. Higher fins and larger angles give thinner films. The droplet flow rate increases with increase in fin height and lead angle, although the effect of fin height is not as pronounced as that of the lead angle.
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- Titre original : Flow dynamics and heat transfer of two-phase flow in herringbone microfin tubes.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2006-0606
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Commercial Refrigeration. Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of Refrigerants. Proceedings of the IIR International Conferences.
- Date d'édition : 02/08/2005
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