Document IIF
Effet d'un agent tensioactif et d'un traitement de surface des tubes à micro-rainures sur la performance en terme d'absorption.
Effect of surfactant and surface treatment of micro-scale hatched tubes on the absorption performance.
Auteurs : KIM J. K., PARK C. W., JEONG J. H., et al.
The objectives of this paper were to investigate the effect of heat transfer additive and surface roughness of microscale hatched tubes on the absorption performance and to provide a guideline for the absorber design. Two different micro-scale hatched tubes and a bare tube were tested to quantify the effect of the surface roughness on the absorption performance. The working fluid was water-lithium bromide. Normal octanol is used as the heat transfer additive. The effect of the heat transfer additive on the heat transfer rate was found to be more significant in the bare tube than that in the micro-scale hatched tubes. It was found that the absorption performance for the micro-hatched tube with heat transfer additive becomes up to 4.5 times higher than that for the bare tube without heat transfer additive. It was concluded that the heat transfer enhancement by the heat transfer additive is more significant than that obtained using the micro-scale surface treatment.
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- Titre original : Effect of surfactant and surface treatment of micro-scale hatched tubes on the absorption performance.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2004-2231
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Serving the Needs of Mankind.
- Date d'édition : 17/08/2003
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- Formats : PDF
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