Elimination du frigorigène R22.

Phase-out of refrigerant R22.

Auteurs : JOHANSSON A.

Type de monographie : Thèse de doctorat


This doctoral thesis questions how performance comparisons of various alternative refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures are conducted. It presents alternative system extensions and model resolutions that better represent the issue of replacing refrigerants such as R22 in existing machinery (system extensions and models differ somewhat from those that gradually have become accepted within the international refrigeration and heat pump community). The results of the research conducted, and those also presented in this thesis, are the general conclusions and explanations that may have an impact on the outcome of refrigerant retrofits in applications where R22 has previously been used as the refrigerant. Extract from the table of contents: engineering thermodynamics, chemistry and contexts; a history of phase-outs; systems designed for retrofitting; experiences: field, lab and simulation; measurement and analysis; retrofitting R22 systems; phase-out of R22.


  • Titre original : Phase-out of refrigerant R22.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2004-0949
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Alternatives aux HFC
  • Édition : KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Department of Energy Technology, Division of applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration - Suède/Suède
  • Date d'édition : 06/2003
  • ISSN : 11020245
  • ISBN : 9172835265
  • Source : Source : Trita REFR Rep. n. 03-39; 222 p. (17 x 24); fig.; tabl.; ref.; append.
  • Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.