Étude expérimentale de la performance de transfert de chaleur d'un plafond rayonnant.

[In Chinese. / En chinois.]

Auteurs : YU G., TAO Q.

Type d'article : Article


The heating and cooling capacities of two different radiant ceilings are tested. Testing results show that the cooling performance of the radiant ceiling with parallel capillary coil is better than the series-connected coil type, when the temperature difference between the room and the average temperature of the supply and return water is 8•C, the cooling capacity of the capillary-type radiant ceiling is 64.4W/m2, and the coil type is 55 .0 W/m2. For the same radiant ceiling in the same temperature difference between room and average temperatures of the supply and return water, the difference between cooling and heating capacity is no more than 10%. In addition, the radiant ceiling with parallel capillary tubes has less flow resistance than the series-connected coil ceiling.

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Pages : 81-83, 93


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