The two-tube static gas wave refrigerator is a simple and efficient thermal facility. The main components of it are a sonic oscillator and two receiving tubes. By using the energy of the gas itself, the gas can be separated into cold and hot parts. As the cold gas is exhausted, the refrigeration can be realized. The most advantage of it is energy self-supplied. The paper numerically calculates the gas in the receiving tube and experimentally studies the oscillation and temperature character in a two-tube static gas wave refrigerator. A sonic oscillator controls the jet flow of the gas. Under different controlling pipe length and pressure ratio, the oscillation frequency and temperature drop are investigated. The results show that the relationship between controlling pipe length and oscillation frequency is linear. The frequency and the efficiency of the two-tube gas wave refrigerator can be adjusted by the length of the controlling pipe. The pressure ratio does not work on the oscillation frequency. The diameter of the outlet can obviously affect the pressure recovery. The distance of the splinter does not contribute to the pressure recovery. As the pressure ratio rises, the temperature drop also rises, and lower temperature can be got. Compound damping measures can effectively shrink the thermal effect and improve the efficiency of the refrigeration greatly.
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Pages : ICR07-A2-611
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- Titre original : Study on gas oscillation and temperature performance of a two-tube static gas wave refrigerator.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2008-0002
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Date d'édition : 21/08/2007
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