Etude sur le transfert de chaleur et la chute de pression dans des échangeurs de chaleur à plaque avec divers profils de surface.

Investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop in plate heat exchangers having different surface profiles.

Auteurs : DURMUS A., BENLI H., KURTBAS I., et al.

Type d'article : Article


It would be misleading to consider only cost aspect of the design of a heat exchanger. High maintenance costs increase total cost during the services life of heat exchanger. Therefore, exergy analysis and energy saving are very important parameters in the heat exchanger design. In this study, the effects of surface geometries of three different type heat exchangers called as PHE(flat) (flat plate heat exchanger), PHE(corrugated) (corrugated plate heat exchanger) and PHE(asteriks) (asterisk plate heat exchanger) on heat transfer, friction factor and exergy loss were investigated experimentally. The experiments were carried out for a heat exchanger with single pass under condition of parallel and counter flow. In this study, experiments were conducted for laminar flow conditions. Heat transfer, friction factor and exergy loss correlations were obtained according to the experimental results. [Reprinted with permission from Elsevier. Copyright, 2008].


  • Titre original : Investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop in plate heat exchangers having different surface profiles.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2009-1060
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 52 - n. 5-6
  • Date d'édition : 01/2009


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