Evaluation des mesures intérieures à faible vélocité. Mesures de la précision des anémomètres thermiques utilisés pour mesurer le flux d'air dans une pièce. 2. Amélioration de la réponse dynamique des anémomètres thermiques.

Messtechnische Erfassung charakteristischer Kenngrössen von Raumluftströmungen. Messgenauigkeit thermischer Anemometer zur Messung von Raumluftströmungen. 2. Verbesserung des dynamischen Verhaltens thermischer Anemometer.


Type d'article : Article


Part 1 of the article gives an update on an EU research project, wherein thermal anemometers made by different manufacturers were compared by means of a laser Doppler anemometer under mock-up conditions. Based upon these results, a second EU research project was initiated with the target of improving the time response of the thermal anemometers. This part of the article discusses the theoretical investigations as well as the field tests and presents the results of the measurements. It was concluded that modified anemometers were remarkably improved regarding the time response. The compiled criteria concerning this project for the evaluation of the dynamic reaction of a testing probe are already included in European standardization.


  • Titre original : Messtechnische Erfassung charakteristischer Kenngrössen von Raumluftströmungen. Messgenauigkeit thermischer Anemometer zur Messung von Raumluftströmungen. 2. Verbesserung des dynamischen Verhaltens thermischer Anemometer.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2005-0589
  • Langues : Allemand
  • Source : KI Luft Kältetech. - vol. 40 - n. 4
  • Date d'édition : 04/2004


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