Document IIF

Faisabilité du refroidissement naturel par accumulation d'énergie thermique en souterrain avec des échangeurs constitués de forages verticaux.

Feasibility of free cooling by an underground thermal energy storage with borehole heat exchangers.


A HVAC plant of an office building with primary air and fan-coils is considered, equipped with a heat pump whose source is an Underground Thermal Energy Storage with borehole heat exchangers. The possible free cooling mode is analysed. As the circulating water temperature is usually well above the air dew point, free cooling can satisfy only the sensible cooling load. A parametric study is carried out varying the size of the borehole heat exchangers in a climate of Southern Europe, considering the free cooling operation against a conventional operation via a compression heat pump, satisfying the whole load, sensible and latent. Energy performances are then compared for different operation modes of the system.

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  • Titre original : Feasibility of free cooling by an underground thermal energy storage with borehole heat exchangers.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2000-1543
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 20th International Congress of Refrigeration: Refrigeration into the Third Millennium.
  • Date d'édition : 19/09/1999


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