La qualité des condensats des unités de traitement d'air.
Quality of condensate from air-handling units.
Auteurs : GLAWE D.
Type d'article : Article
Collecting condensate from large air-handling units (ABU) for on -site use is compelling, particularly in humid climates prone to drought. Identifying the optimal on-site use for the condensate requires knowledge of the quantity and quality of the condensate versus the quantity and quality required for potential on-site applications. This article provides evidence that condensate from properly maintained large ABUs is high -quality water, explains how system design and maintenance affect condensate quality, and highlights considerations for on-site applications of condensate.
- Titre original : Quality of condensate from air-handling units.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30020809
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : ASHRAE Journal - vol. 58 - n. 12
- Date d'édition : 12/2016
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