Document IIF

La qualité des systèmes de pompe à chaleur dépend de la bonne qualité des formations.

Quality of heat pump systems through high-quality training schedules.

Auteurs : BACH B.


A crucial point in developing heat pump markets turned out to be the quality of the planning and installing of the heat pump systems in order to raise the confidence of the consumer. Therefore, training courses were started in many countries, the Austrian Certified Heat Pump Installer project is one very effective example. The next step could be a joint European vocational training and certification system to continue the positive market development of heat pump technology.

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Pages : 2002-4


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  • Titre original : Quality of heat pump systems through high-quality training schedules.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2003-2581
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Date d'édition : 26/08/2002
  • Source : Source : Proc. Stockholm Meet., IIR
    2002-4; S3; 6 p.; fig.; 6 ref.